Market Entry And Expansion Services

Successful export sales for the industrial and technology sector companies depend not only on knowledge and experience in international sales, marketing, and business management in general.

Success depend heavily on the export sales department’s technical proficiency and technical understanding of the products and solutions in detail. Also knowing and understanding how the manufacturing company operates and the processes behind it.

Not less important is to understand the principles of cost estimating in industrial and manufacturing companies. This one is important to understand, compare and justify the pricing of different suppliers’ products and solutions.This is necessary for both sales and procurement

The business expansion services we offer include both competencies: commercial and technical.

We offer the following services to industrial companies:
  • Target market research and analysis.
  • Developing a strategy for entering the target market.
  • Contacting potential target customers.
  • Trade fair visitings and contacts collection service.
  • Local partner finding service.
  • Business consulting
Need help with your business expansion? Let us know your plans and let’s see how we work together!